ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
Target Group
- The requirements of ISO 9001 are generic and are applicable to companies and organisations of all types, regardless of their size, activity and sector.
- ISO 9001 specifies the basic requirements that an Organization should follow in order to provide quality services to its customers.
- ISO 9001 is based on seven quality management principles: Customer focus, Responsibilities of the Management, participation of human resources on work-flow processes, procedural approach of the work-flow, continuous improvement, documented decision-making and mutual-benefit relationships with the suppliers.
What is ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is the most widely used international ISO Standard. ISO 9001 specifies the basic requirements that an Organization should follow in order to provide quality services to its customers.
ISO 9001 is based on seven quality management principles: Customer focus,Responsibilities of the Management, participation of human resources on work-flow processes, procedural approach of the work-flow, continuous improvement, documented decision-making and mutual-benefit relationships with the suppliers.
The Organisation interested to achieve certification against ISO 9001 standard requirements contacts BQC and fills in the certification application and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fax it to 302112213726
An initial audit is conducted and if successful, a certificate of compliance is issued that is valid for 3 years, provided that the organization undergoes annual audits.
BQC is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD) and issues internationally recognized Certificates. BQC cooperates with experienced inspectors and experts from all over the world, ensuring the most updated and professional knowledge in any business sector.
The benefits are
The main objective of ISO 9001 is to improve the overall performance of the Organization and create a strong foundation for sustainable development initiatives.
The implementation of ISO 9001 evaluates the overall framework of operation of an organization so that it aims at the customer satisfaction.
ISO 9001 increases the productivity and profitability of the Organization within the respective legislative and regulatory frameworks and identifies risks and opportunities for improvement.
In many cases, ISO 9001 is a prerequisite for the participation of an Organization in tenders and agreements with other organisations.
Audits based on the previous version of the standard, ISO 9001:2008, ceased to be performed since 15/3/2018.
Similarly, ISO 9001:2008 certificates will not be valid from 15/9/2018. Contact us to get informed about the changes required to update your certificate to the new version ISO 9001:2015.
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