BQC certified the Hellenic Psychiatric Association

BQC certified the Hellenic Psychiatric Association

BQC certified the Hellenic Psychiatric Association against the Standard ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System

A few words about the University of The Hellenic Psychiatric Association

The Hellenic Psychiatric Association was founded in 1986 in Athens. The purpose of HPA is the promotion of Psychiatry in Greece, the strengthening of communication & cooperation of Greek psychiatrists, both among themselves and with their colleagues from other countries, as well as with other medical or non- specialties related to Psychiatry. In addition, its goal is to promote and strengthen psychiatric clinical practice in Greece, as well as prevention of mental health, ensuring the rights of the mentally ill patients and promoting Psychiatric education and research in Greece.  

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BQC certified the University of Western Macedonia

BQC certified the University of Western Macedonia

BQC certified the University of Western Macedonia

The University of Macedonia trusted BQC and was certified against the Standards:

  • ISO 140001: 2015 - Environmental Management System
  • ISO 37001: 2016 - Anti-Bribery Management System
  • ISO 26000: 2010 - Social Responsibility Management System

A few words about the University of Western Macedonia 

The vision in the University of Western Macedonia strategic plan is to establish its presence as a major reference point among Greek and European academic Institution in terms of science and culture. Based on its excellence, academic completeness and the knowledge produced in it, envisions to achieve a high position in the world ranking of academic institutions while, at the same time, to become an institution of substantial support to economic, social and cultural development, both at local and national level.

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BQC certified V. Grigoriadis & Partners

BQC certified V. Grigoriadis & Partners

V. Grigoriadis & Partners was certified in its activities in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 Standards, confirming the high quality of its services as well as the optimization of its efficiency resulting in the fastest processing procedures of the Organization.

In BQC we aim to become better with every project we undertake to carry out since the commitment to detail and perfection add value to the quality and environmental characteristics of your Organization resulting in a well-structured Management System that brings significant benefits.


A few words about V. Grigoriadis & Partners

V. GRIGORIADIS & Partners is a team consisting of Architects, Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers and other scientists who are experienced, talented, with scientific training, excellent knowledge of current legislation and expertise, so that they can respond from the simplest to and the most complex studies of buildings and facilities.

Read more about V. Grigoriadis & Partners


BQC certified the Administrative and the Financial Services of the University of Western Macedonia

BQC certified the Administrative and the Financial Services of the University of Western Macedonia

The certification of the Administrative and the Financial Services of the University of Western Macedonia was completed, according to the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard.

BQC supports, among others, with its distinguished professionalism, the Education Sector by providing its reliable certification services for the smooth and orderly operation of the Organization's workflow.

A few words about University of Western Macedonia

The University of Western Macedonia was founded in 2003. In its new form, the University of Western Macedonia operates with 7 Faculties and 22 Departments, located in 5 cities of the Region of Western Macedonia. In 2016, the contract for the construction of the new University Campus in the Active Urban Planning Zone in Kozani was signed, which is expected to be completed within 2021.

Read more about the University of Western Macedonia.

BQC certified the Pharmacy and the Blood Donation Department of the General Hospital of Lamia

BQC certified the Pharmacy and the Blood Donation Department of the General Hospital of Lamia

The certification of the Pharmacy and the Blood Donation Department of the General Hospital was successfully completed on 27/08/2020, according to the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard.

The Pharmacy and the Blood Donation Department of the General Hospital of Lamia, as two of its most crucial departments, implement a complete quality management system, thus contributing to its smooth and more efficient operation.

The Certification proves the will of the Hospital Management for continuous improvement of the quality and reliability of the health services that provides to the residents of the wider area of Lamia.

A few words about the General Hospital of Lamia

Its creation is a milestone in the History of Health and Nursing. It was founded in 1946 and inaugurated in May 1954. In the period 1982-2006 there were significant changes, especially in the housing sector with the merger of the Sanatorium - Hospital of Lamia into a single Nursing Institution under the name "General Hospital of Lamia".

Read more about the General Hospital of Lamia

The Traditional Didyma Rusks of the company Fasili D. Georgia in Didyma in Argolida were awarded in the Mediterranean Taste Awards (MTA) competition!

The Traditional Didyma Rusks of the company Fasili D. Georgia in Didyma in Argolida were awarded in the Mediterranean Taste Awards (MTA) competition!

Many Congratulations to the delicious Traditional Didyma Rusks for their distinctions in the Mediterranean Taste Awards (MTA) thanks to the pure materials used by the personnel for their production, their artistry and their passion that make them stand out!
3 Taste Qualities: Oil, Anise and Whole Grain Rusks won three awards in the Quality Awards category. One Gold Award won the Oil Rusks and two Silver the Anise and Whole Grain Rusks.

Learn more about the Traditional Didyma Rusks.