BQC, as a sensitive recipient of the unparalleled medical work that is being offered to our country's entire community, by the Tzaneio General Hospital of Pireus, expresses the particular joy and honor of being the Certified Body that provided the certification of its seven Medical Departments according to the requirements of ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 International Standard.
BQC’s General Manager Mr. Telemachos Angelitsas presented BQC at the Certificate Award Ceremony, by delivering the certificates by himself, in the presence of the Administrative, Medical and Nursing Human Resources of Tzaneio General Hospital of Pireus.
Few words about Tzaneio General Hospital of Pireus
It was founded after a donation by the merchant Nikita Tzannis or Tzannes from Kythera, Piraeus. The foundation stone was laid in 1864. It functioned in 1873 as a Brotherhood and with Law 1467/42 as a New Law, independent of the New Law of the Municipality of Piraeus. The construction study, its composition and operation was carried out with the care of Piraeus Professor of Pharmacology and Pathological Anatomy of the University of Athens THEODOROS AFENTOULI. In 1927 a new ward functioned as a maternity ward. In 1934 a new wing was erected, which functioned as the Surgery Department, the SALIPOULIO, donated by Dimitrios Salipoula. In 1971, a new six-storey modern building, in place of the former Hospital, was inaugurated. Since 1986, some Departments have been relocated to the Mother Child Center, which operates as an affiliate of the Hospital, in a rented building at 83 Gr. Lambraki Street.
More about Tzaneio General Hospital of Pireus