Certificates awarding event

BQC certifies the Cinema Organization of Iran

A major project was completed by BQC with the certification of the Cinema Organisation of Iran, against ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management System and ISO 10002:2004, Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations for defining policy and implementing cultural activities related to cinema activity.

In BQC, we feel very satisfied for the successful certification of the Organization of Cinema of Iran, both for the international recognition of our expertise and credibility, but also for our contribution in the wider growth and development of the film industry of the country.

Fulfilling this project was a very demanding task, as the Cinema Organization of Iran plays a central role in the cinematic industry of Iran. Among others, the role of the Cinema Organization of Iran is to define the general policies of Cinema in Iran, license film productions and festivals, issue construction permits for cinema complexes, prepare film ownership licenses and communicate with other international organizations related to cinema.

The great importance of this certification for the Cinema Organization of Iran was particularly noted on the certificates’ awarding event that took place on February 19th in a hall of the Organization. In this event the certificates were awarded to the Director of Cinema Organization of Iran, Mr. Dr. Hojjatollah Ayyubi, by Mr. Alireza Shafiee, CEO of BQC in Iran, in the presence of the Organization's Management and BQC partners in Iran. (photo)

This certification is a milestone for one of the most important cultural Iranian organizations, laying the foundation for its further growth in accordance with international standards. In particular, this certification will be a tool of continuous improvement for the Organization, through the clarification of its goals and activities and the standardization of internal procedures, with a view to eliminating the problems of Iranian cinema. The commitment of the Management of the Organization for the maintenance and improvement of its procedures and the positive impact this will have on upgrading the Iranian Cinema, was highlighted in the ceremony.

New Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015

ISO's popular standard for auditing management systems is under revision

Management systems provide a tool for more effective and time-saving processes for all types of Organizations.

As the variety and number of Management Systems grows in order to cover all industries such as IT, information security, quality and environmental management the auditing standards become more demanding.

ISO 19011, Guidelines for auditing management systems, helps with the effective audit of those management systems and allows a uniform approach for auditing organizations with multiple management systems.

ISO 19011 is currently being revised to reflect all new management system standards and some of the most widely used such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

New Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015

New Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015

On 11.01.2016 the ISO Organization published new Technical Specifications for all organizations that want to benefit greatly from ISO 9001.

ISO / TS 9002, " Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015" supports the most widely used international ISO standard, ISO 9001:2015, which defines the requirements for a Quality Management System.

ISO 9001 is designed to apply to all types of organizations, regardless of their size or their sector and its requirements are broad. ISO / TS 9002 does not provide additional requirements to the Standard, but guidance and support for the implementation of the Standard. Specifically, these guidelines provide detailed explanations of the sections and clauses of the Standard and give examples to help organizations implement its requirements in the most effective manner and thus fully benefit from the performance of their Quality Management System.

Read more: http://www.iso.org/iso/news.htm?refid=Ref2130

BQC issues accredited certificates based on the new version of ISO 9001:2015

BQC issues accredited certificates based on the new version of ISO 9001:2015

In its continuous pursuit to provide quality and modern certification services, BQC has successfully completed its accreditation by ESYD - National Accreditation System for the new version of ISO 9001: 2015.

The new version of the Standard has a different structure “High Structure Level” making it easy to integrate with other management systems. Moreover, the new version places more emphasis on the role of leadership, on strategy and on risk management in the workflow of an organization.

The gradual transition of organizations already certified by ISO 9001: 2008 to ISO 9001:2015 version can be carried out until September 2018.

Read more for ISO 9001:2015

New Certification service-ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System

New Certification service-ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System

BQC is one of the first Certification Bodies globally that certifies Organizations against ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System.

The requirements of ISO 37001 are generic and are applicable to all types of organizations, regardless of their size, activity and sector. This includes state-owned enterprises, large organizations, Small - Medium enterprises, non-governmental and non-for-profit organizations.

This new Standard was published by the International Organization for Standardization – (ISO) in October 2016 and provides requirements’ specifications and guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing and improving an Anti-bribery Management System in compliance with anti-bribery laws for an organization.

Bribery is an act of offering, giving, receiving and soliciting any value or bribe to influence actions and decisions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty and is leading to lack of trust in negotiations and transactions between the business world and public institutions.

The purpose of developing an Anti-bribery Management System is to cultivate an anti-bribery culture within the Organization that will enhance trust and transparency and will result in the general improvement on the workflow of an Organization in many ways. An Anti-bribery Management System can stand alone or can be integrated with other management systems that are already implemented in an Organization.

BQC distinguished by its strong corporate values and ethics, will support with its expertise the Organizations that want to establish and implement this Anti-bribery Management System.

Read more for ISO 37001:2016

BQC cooperates with UNIDO

BQC cooperates with UNIDO

After the successful completion of the four (4) five-day training programs “QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditors: Train the Trainer” conducted in May and June 2016 in Nigeria by BQC, UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organization, cooperates for a second time with BQC for conducting two (2) training programs on ISO/IEC 17025 Standard, in Nigeria. The training programs “Training of Accreditation Assessors to ISO 17025:2005” were part of the National Quality Infrastructure Project (NQIP) of UNIDO.

One of the objectives of the NQIP is to support the establishment of the Nigerian National Accreditations Service (NiNAS) that has been registered as a legal entity in October 2015. The establishment and full operation of NiNAS will provide Nigeria its most valuable tool for the improvement of the quality of products and services exchanged within the Nigerian marketplace and of the external trading opportunities of the country.

The certified training programs were organized by BQC Certification and Training Body and had around 45 participants. BQC trainers provided their expertise to the participants to acquire the skills as assessors and lead assessors of ISO/IEC 17025. The purpose of this training session was to complete a training cycle that will ensure that the trainees will develop the necessary expertise to provide assessment services for NiNAS.

The training programs “Training of Accreditation Assessors to ISO 17025:2005” focused on the training of the attendees on assessment techniques used by accreditation assessors. The objective of the training program was that after the completion of the course the participants will be in a position to plan, organize and conduct assessments of a Testing or Calibration Laboratory. The teaching methodology of the training programs was based on detailed lectures on the concepts and clauses of ISO 17025 Standard, practice, teamwork and evaluation tests.

The two training sessions that took place in Nigeria can be characterized as fully successful, concerning both the high level of expertise that was passed on to the trainees and the efficiency of the organization. BQC feels proud to have contributed to the NQI project by supporting the improvement of quality services in Nigeria through the completion of these training sessions.


The Industrial Development Organization of United Nations comprises of 170 Member States. The main objective of the United Nations organization is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in developing countries and economies in transition. The three main points of interest of UNIDO are the support of common prosperity, the development of economic competitiveness and the preservation of the environment. Within this framework, UNIDO cooperates with a wide network of partners and experts to support institutional development of local small and micro enterprises to develop trade capacity and ability to meet the standards of international markets for the successful participation in world trade.

More at UNIDO www.unido.org