A major project was completed by BQC with the certification of the Cinema Organisation of Iran, against ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management System and ISO 10002:2004, Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations for defining policy and implementing cultural activities related to cinema activity.
In BQC, we feel very satisfied for the successful certification of the Organization of Cinema of Iran, both for the international recognition of our expertise and credibility, but also for our contribution in the wider growth and development of the film industry of the country.
Fulfilling this project was a very demanding task, as the Cinema Organization of Iran plays a central role in the cinematic industry of Iran. Among others, the role of the Cinema Organization of Iran is to define the general policies of Cinema in Iran, license film productions and festivals, issue construction permits for cinema complexes, prepare film ownership licenses and communicate with other international organizations related to cinema.
The great importance of this certification for the Cinema Organization of Iran was particularly noted on the certificates’ awarding event that took place on February 19th in a hall of the Organization. In this event the certificates were awarded to the Director of Cinema Organization of Iran, Mr. Dr. Hojjatollah Ayyubi, by Mr. Alireza Shafiee, CEO of BQC in Iran, in the presence of the Organization's Management and BQC partners in Iran. (photo)
This certification is a milestone for one of the most important cultural Iranian organizations, laying the foundation for its further growth in accordance with international standards. In particular, this certification will be a tool of continuous improvement for the Organization, through the clarification of its goals and activities and the standardization of internal procedures, with a view to eliminating the problems of Iranian cinema. The commitment of the Management of the Organization for the maintenance and improvement of its procedures and the positive impact this will have on upgrading the Iranian Cinema, was highlighted in the ceremony.